Wednesday, August 4, 2021

How to join and create CUSTOM matches in ROBLOX Bedwars! Roblox Update 2021

 ROBLOX Bedwars added an update that allows you to create and join custom lobbies, but how does it work? I made these 2 videos to explain how it works and to hopefully clear up any confusion.

How to join a custom match?

How to create a custom match?

Hope this helps! 

Join the Discord server:

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

State of the game: Turf Takeover!

 I've teased that I was working on a game for the past little while and I'm happy to say, it officially has a name! And that name is... 

The logo for our new game, Turf Takeover

We even released a trailer announcing that we were working on the game! You can watch the trailer here. The game has been undergoing development for quite some time now but in various different states. The original visions for the game were much more ambitious, but we scaled them back to something more doable and more fun to play. I will continue to post in-depth development updates to this Blog, so be sure to check back often! In the meantime, 2 videos have been posted since the release of the Turf Takeover Announcement Trailer, this one which shows me modeling a building for one of the maps, and this one I made as a joke. 

I also figured I would list the people currently working on the game:
Jeremy422gaming (me!) - Modeling
WinstonTheNoob - Modeling
iweed1138 - Scripting
KEVBloxTime - Music

See you in the next update!

P.S. Join the Discord!

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Discord Server!

 Woo hoo! Exciting announcement! We have a Discord server! If this interests you and you'd like to hang out to talk about ROBLOX, YouTube, Animation, and anything else, why not hop on and join? Here's the link:

The Discord Logo

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, April 8, 2021

The Final [Major] Rob a Bank Obby update

Winston The Noob, iweed1138 and Jeremy422gaming
My latest Rob a Bank Promotional Image

 About 4 years, 361 updates, and 153,500 visits, the 'masterpiece' that is Rob a Bank Obby has received it's last major update. Probably. I made Rob a Bank Obby in the summer of 2017. This was a period of time when I was making A LOT of games (mostly obbies). I had finally learned how to use ROBLOX studio and I was ROBLOX crazed. I was making all sorts of games, I had Builder's Club, I was streaming and making videos and there was very little that could stop me. Most of these games didn't ever become popular, and after a while, I let my Builder's Club membership lapse, spent my last few ROBUX (I was down to about 100 or so), and moved on with my life. Then one day, I noticed something odd. I seemed to have more money than I did last time I logged in. It probably just didn't remember how much I had. I think this was around 2019, and I bought something for Egg Hunt. Then the next time I logged in, I had even more money...? This was strange. I quickly checked to see where all of this money was coming from and it turned out to be Rob a Bank Obby! I began keeping the game updated, fixing up my horrible building, adding and removing scripts. It was a lot of fun! I would join a server and there would be several other people there playing! How cool is that?? I took full advantage of it, releasing tons of updates and spending a ton of time on the game. Look how much the lobby during this period:

Rob a Bank Lobby in 2017
Rob a Bank Obby in 2017

Rob a Bank Obby in 2020
Rob a Bank Obby in 2020

More recently, however, the amount of people who play the game has dropped dramatically and my involvement in other projects has skyrocketed dramatically so that's why I've made the decision to stop updating the game. Now I must mention that doesn't mean I won't ever touch it again. I still think the game is loads of fun! But I feel like it has reached its max potential without completely redoing it. So... what's next?? I'm honestly not sure! I've got several games currently on the back burner that I'm gonna work on with WinstonTheNoob and iweed1138 (we're still evaluating our skills, trying to decide what we can do). I will keep you guys updated when something really takes off running (most everything is still in the concept phase). Here are some leaks from some games that are under construction:

Friday, March 19, 2021


 I talk about ROBLOX a lot on here. Probably a little too much. Okay definitely way too much. Belive it or not, I do other things! I promise! I initially created this blog to provide people with updates on my life / my projects. And usually, I did a pretty terrible job of doing it consistently, but for the most part that's what I posted. However, when RB Battles came around, I posted something that gave most of the answers to a quiz in the RB Battles championship. While this was fun, and it drew a lot of attention, it wasn't really what this blog was supposed to be. I want to keep doing posts like that because I know how helpful they can be to people but I don't want to clog up this blog with ROBLOX stuff. The people who want to see what I'm working on, probably don't want to hear about the latest ROBLOX event and vice versa. So I came up with a solution: behold, BloxBlog! The idea is pretty simple, post only general ROBLOX news and updates and don't post too much about myself. Essentially, the opposite of this blog. I'll be excited to see how / if this will work out. If you want to check it out, here's the link:

The BloxBlog Logo

I'll still post things that I'm working on and are ROBLOX related such as various games and stuff like that here. So if that's why you're here than you're in the right place. But if you come here FOR ROBLOX information, head on over to BloxBlog and check it out! Let me know what you think!

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Animation complete! (and other updates!)

 In my last post, I talked about an animation I was working on, and I am happy to say that it has been completed! This is pretty exciting, as I have been working on it for a really long time. I always like doing big projects like this because it always feels like me getting to use everything I learned since the last project I did. I always do a bunch of tests, but I never have anything to show for it. These longer projects fill that void. I submit these to the Jim Harbin Film Festival (county winners are announced in late spring / early summer, so that's usually when I post them).

A frame from my new film

I also mentioned in my last post that I was working on a game, and I'm excited to say... I still am! More to follow, just sit tight :)

The game's developers from left to right: Jeremy422gaming, iweed1138 and WinstonTheNoob

Lastly, it also looks like ROBLOX is doing their annual 2021 Egg Hunt, so I'll be sure to post useful stuff here like I did with RB battles.
This is a "leak", take it with a grain of salt

That's all I have for now! Always be sure to check back here for more updates! See you guys soon!

Friday, February 12, 2021

Animation + General updates!

 Hey everyone! Welcome to the new year! (I don't post here very often). During the ROBLOX RB Battles event, I posted the answers to the quiz and that post has gained over 16k views! That's super awesome! I hope you guys found that helpful!

RB Battles Championship Logo

I post a lot about various ROBLOX games I'm working on here, and I'm excited to announce I'm still working on some! Escape The Cabin In The Woods which has been mentioned previously has been put on hold but is close to completion. We have also started a brand new project that we hope will be out by Summer. More information on that should follow, or the project will be abandoned and you'll never hear anything about it ever again. Time will tell.
 From left to right: iweed1138, WinstonTheNoob, and Jeremy422gaming (the development team on all of our projects)

My last announcement for this post is I am working on a new animation! Like my previous animation, Slash and Burn, this one is for the Jim Harbin Film Festival. Exciting stuff! I will hopefully be posting that in the next few months.

Sorry for not posting too frequently! Hopefully, you'll like the stuff I'm working on! See you guys in the next update!